There is the first time I went to hot spring, the hot spring is on the "Big hole" mountain, which is near Taichung.
Also, today is the First day of the year 2010. Finally Emma can use the swimming tube which already purchased almost one year.
After the hot spring we went to the Original chicken restaurant, that's the first time my fashion Dad want went to such kind place by actively. It's because couple years ago, Grand pa take Mon and Dad went to there and Dad loves the taste of chicken.
I keep asking dad have the bamboo chicken soup for me, it taste very good, I drink it a lot.
Also, the mountain vegetable was very good, but the most famous dish on the original chicken territory is the 3 cups chicken. that's wonderful cooking dish.
新年的第一天, 爹地媽咪帶我到台中的山上泡溫泉!!云云最喜歡玩水水了, 所以很高興ㄡ, 而且買了一年的游泳圈終於用上了!!
之後又去山上的"土雞城"吃飯, 我那時尚的爹地第一次會主動說要去"土雞城"吃飯, 因此阿公之前帶爹地媽咪去, 爹地吃到好吃的土雞了!
然後我就一直吵著要喝湯, 因為竹筍湯好好喝說, 而且還有好吃的山蘇, 三杯土雞果然是土雞界的明星商品, 超讚!!