我本來不想坐在這邊的, 但是爹地一直叫我坐坐看, 坐著坐著其實也滿好玩的啦
我一到Zoo 就要找"阿嗚" 阿嗚就是老虎啦, 妳們是懂還是不懂ㄚ, 我們小孩子的世界妳們不會瞭解的啦!! 可是阿嗚躲在竹林裡面都不出來, 只好出動我爹地爬在欄杆上, 用超高的攝影技巧避過所有的人潮及障礙物拍到這張阿嗚的正面照片!!!
I'm Emma, I was born at Oct. 9th. Nice to meet you! Right now I have no plan to find boy friends, also I need stay at home every day, I can't go out with any one, except with my mon and dad. I don't smoke, my dad either. if you want my phone number, please call me 18 years later.